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Or, click below to read the SaaS Top Ten Dos and Don'ts online...
SaaS Do #1 - Choose a Large Market
SaaS Do #2 - Create a Hub on the Web
SaaS Do #3 - Accelerate Organic Growth
SaaS Do #4 - Craft a Compelling Story
SaaS Do #5 - Build the Business into the Product
SaaS Do #6 - Reach across the Firewall
SaaS Do #7 - Monetize Creatively
SaaS Do #8 - Enable Mass Customization
SaaS Do #9 - Open Up to the Cloud
SaaS Do #10 - Leverage Your Community
SaaS Don't #1 - Chase Elephants
SaaS Don't #2 - Waste Money Marketing Offline
SaaS Don't #3 - Launch without Online Trial
SaaS Don't #4 - Cover up Shortcomings with People
SaaS Don't #5 - Invest in Channel Partners too Early
SaaS Don't #6 - Bleed Cash Indefinitely
SaaS Don't #7 - Ignore the Long Tail
SaaS Don't #8 - Think You Can Control It
The Top Ten Dos and Don’ts of SaaS Business Success
Bringing your software-as-a-service to market without a free trial is marketing suicide. It is akin to launching an e-commerce site without registration or purchase. How many books would Amazon sell if you could see the covers, but you couldn’t read the reviews or look inside, and you had to pick up the phone to buy? Game over. Without online trial, you are erecting a great big stop sign in front of your prospect at the most critical point in the purchase cycle: the point after you have spent all that money generating demand, and you are on the verge of gaining a modicum of control over the sales process when your prospect raisers her hand to demonstrate interest and reveal her identity.